Vielen Dank...
Aus Anlass unseres 25-jährigen Firmenjubiläums haben wir die Seenotretter mit € 1 pro SAIL-Tag unterstützt.Vielen Dank an die die rausfahren, wenn alle anderen reinkommen!
SAIL for 25 years
on Nov 16th, 1999 SAIL GmbH, Sea Air Integrated Logistics has been founded in Hamburg. During 25 years we have developed to one of the
JOBS! If you like the idea that this could be the view from your desk please click here
Customer Service Representative (m/w/d) / Sachbearbeiter (m/w/d) Ocean Freight Export
JOBS: Wilson, NC, USA
Ocean Freight Import Co-ordinator / International Logistcs
Industry: Ocean Transportation and Logistics / Freight ForwardingLocation: Wilson, NC (This position is for local
Fruit Logistica in Berlin
Meet SAIL @ Fruit Logistica in Berlin 2023! For appointments please contact
ISM in Cologne 2023
Meet SAIL @ ISM in Cologne 23-25 February 2023! For appointments please contact
Merry Christmas
Another challenging year is almost over. We would like to thank all our customers and partners that it has been a successful year for SAIL
Familiensiegel für SAIL
SAIL wurde erneut das Hamburger Familiensiegel verliehen. Die „Hamburger Allianz für Familien“ ist eine Initiative des Hamburger Senats, der Handelskammer und der Handwerkskammer.
Impfen ist cool!
Like many other companies in Germany SAIL supports the campaign for Covid19 vaccinations. SAIL = 100% vaccinated!
People are our best asset...
People are our best asset. SAIL is a modern TEAM of transportation specialists. We are working with up to date technology in innovative work processes.
Measures @ SAIL during COVID-19 restrictions
SAIL stays fully operational during these difficult times. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has defined 3PL’s as essential businesses.
To ensure employee health,